Frequently Asked Questions

My question is not listed here.

Contact the parish office or leave a note in the suggestion/question box at the back of the church to have your question answered.

How do I become Catholic, or explore becoming Catholic more?

Praise be to God! Contact the parish office or Fr. James directly to talk with him. The Sunday Sermons are also a great place to learn more about the Faith.

Also see our parish’s resources on the Faith.

How do I learn more about the Catholic faith?

Attend the Sunday sermons, read the Waxahachie Catholic (our weekly newspaper), and explore our parish's resources on the Faith.

How do I get my house blessed?

Contact the parish office. Either Deacon John or Father James will come to bless your home. If you have a preference for who does the blessing, let the office know.

How do I get articles blessed?

After Mass, wait outside the sacristy door. Father James will bless items after he comes out.

Is there a Catholic store/bookstore nearby?

The parish bookstore is currently not open. The closest Catholic store/bookstore is the Mater Dei Bookstore in Irving.

Can we have the TLM at the parish?

Per Traditionis Custodis, we are not able to at this time.

Which is the church and which is the chapel?

The church refers to the latest church building, constructed in 2016. It is located on the east side of the parish grounds, with the entrance on the opposite side of Marvin Ave.

The chapel refers to the old church building, which is St. Joseph’s third church building. Built in 1954, it is located on the west side of the parish grounds, next to the St. Ann House and near the school, and faces Marvin Ave.

Do I live within the parish territory, or do I live in another parish?

St. Joseph’s parish territory covers all of western Ellis County. If your zip code is 75154, 75165, 75167, 76041, 76064, 76065, 76623, 77651, or 77670, you live within the parish. If your zip code is 75104 or 76084 and you live in Ellis County, you also live in the parish.

Epiphany Mission in Italy is technically in St. Joseph’s parish territory, but in the last 20 years priests from St. John Nepomucene in Ennis have ministered there.

How do I properly dispose of blessed items (Bibles, rosaries, saint statues, etc.)?

If they are still in usable condition, you can give them away. Otherwise, burn or bury them.